
100% natural ingredients
Suitable for both men and women
Anti fungal & anti bacterial agent (suitable for tiny bump)
Cleans dirt on the skin
Helps clear blackheads & whitehead
Helps lighten skin tone
Cleans the skin and clogged pores
Does not cause irritation
Anti aging
Suitable for dry and oily skin

Spot Treatment
100% natural ingredients
Suitable for both men and women
Helps treat acne, dry skin & psoriasi
Helps reduce the size of pores
Helps fade freckled areas
Helps clear blackheads & whitehead
Helps lighten skin tone
Cleans the skin and clogged pores
Controlling excess oil in the "T-Zone" area
Helps fade acne scars and black spots

Tone Up
Lightens skin one tone from natural skin
Softens & moisturise the skin
Prevents skin from being exposed to UV rays
Brightens the skin naturally when used consecutively
Covers redness & scars
Overcomes sunburn problems
Evens out skin tone
More radiant & glowing
Tightens the skin
Reduce acne problems